Pelvic girdle is very sensitive part of human body. Lifting heavy loads, slipping in washrooms and suffering from a fall in old age are some of the most common causes of hip replacement procedure.
All you need to know about hip replacement procedure
As per advices of professional hip surgeon, here is how you should prepare yourself:
Pre-Admission Hospital Procedure
Most hospitals take some tests in order to determine whether you really need the hip replacement procedure or not.
They take X-rays of your hip, urine samples and a blood sample to check the optimum working of your kidneys. In some cases, they take ECG of patients to determine the health of heart.
If you feel any pain or have any sort of questions, now is the good time to ask with your doctor.
Going into Hospital
Once you go into hospital, know that there are two ways to undergo the hip replacement procedure. We will get into details but know that it is up to hip surgeon to either sedate your specific body part, making you unable to feel any pain while seeing the working with open eyes or they can put you to sleep (via anesthetic treatment) and then operate on you.
Before operation, they will sign a consent form and feed your joint history to database of AJRR (American joint replacement registry)
Types of Hip Surgery Procedures
There are two types of hip surgery procedures:
- Total Hip Replacement
It is the most common used hip replacement procedure. As the name indicates, your femur (part of thigh bone) along with femur head (hip ball) is replaced through synthetic femur and femur ball.
The part of your body where the new artificial hip will be inserted is initially roughened so that it can accept the new synthetic component.
There are two cases in total hip replacement. If your bones are strong and healthy, your hip surgeon may insert it without any substance, as bones are tough issues and they tend to repair over time.
For older people, their hip surgeon may add acrylic cement so that the new part is fixed.
There are also cases of a hybrid hip replacement surgery, in which one part is left untouched and the other has acrylic cement to hold on.
- Metal On Metal Hip Resurfacing
Instead of replacing the whole hip, a metal component is coated on both ball and socket place. People who undergo metal on metal hip resurfacing have a better chance of physical recovery and chances of joint dislocation are decreased.
The con side of metal on metal hip resurfacing procedure is that sometimes, metal particles start leaving the joint, getting released into the body. They may produce inflammation and have unknown effects on you.
As compared to conventional hip replacement surgery by hip surgeon Woodbridge, VA , metal on metal hip replacement technique has more complication as well as early repeat surgery rates. Metal on metal hip replacement technique is also not suitable for people having osteoporosis and low bone density.