Different hair transplant procedures are now introduced in the market to help people address their hair loss concerns. Hair loss is a very natural and common process that a person goes through at least one point in his or her lifetime. This is often the result several factors like aging, family history, hormonal changes, and others.

Hair transplant procedures

There are a few medical procedures to help you get your hair back, with the most common one involving the transplant of hair. This kind of surgery is being performed and supervised by plastic surgeons. This is also considered as an effective tool to restore a youthful look.

Types of hair transplant surgeries

Here are several procedures to transplant hair which are available through surgery:


The transplant surgeries of hair are done once the recipient is put under local anesthesia. Graft procedure is mainly composed of removal of a part of the scalp as well as the insertion of thousands of strands of hair into this section of the scalp. These strands are then kept healthy during the session with the help of periodic saline injections. After the transplant is finished, the part of scalp with healthy hair attached to it will be reattached through surgery and given enough time for self-healing. Several sessions of the medical procedure for getting hair back is needed so that the scalp will heal completely.

Tissue Expansion

In tissue expansion, a tissue expander that resembles a balloon is placed below the scalp area which grows healthy hair. In a span of several weeks, the tissue expander will then be filled with salt water to allow the expansion and stretching of the tissue. The result is the expansion of the hair bearing tissue which can be grafted with ease once an adequate amount of stretching has taken place.


Flaps are considered as a much better procedure for hair transplant compared to grafts or other kinds of procedures since these can cover a bigger area on the scalp, not to mention that this is also faster. Through this particular procedure, the bald spot on the scalp is removed through surgery and followed by the stretching and tethering of healthy hair on the spot where the bald scalp has been removed. However, there could be some scarring involved with flaps unlike with grafts wherein most bald scalp areas are covered with the healthy hair. Thus, there is a more decent chance that hair will cover obvious scarring.